Sunday, April 30, 2006

Vilnius, Lithuania

Allright, after 13 hours sitting in a bus, i made it to Vilnius.. it's just impossible to sleep on these bus seats, but it's allright cause i was smart enough to carefully pack my mp3 player in my backpack, down in the luggage compartment! Around 2am i finally collapsed... only to be awaken at 4 by the customs officers.. At least i enjoyed a beautiful sunrise over Lithuania!

no, that was on leaving gdansk in the night.. here's the sun rise..

and that's a cool one: entrance to the Independant Republic of Uzupio! A part of the town declared itself an independant republic and is supposedly "ruled" by artists.. cool place anyway!

there, amongst nice art work and other funny things, you'll find.. the prehistoric dishwasher!

And here is the famous constitution..

then i walked up the hill, to get a nice overlook of the city.. and, if you can read between the lines, what these pictures tell you is: "this is a morning spot!" don't go there mid-afternoon or you'll be counter light and the view will suck!

on the way down i found a group of "lindyhop" swing dance students practicing in the street, it was really nice..

er.. and that is a church!

Enough for today folks.. it just takes too long to upload these pictures!


Ray said...

Very nice pictures including all the artwork. The sunrise looks great and must have been a big relief for you. Keep going, friend! Despite the little odds, you are doing great!

Anonymous said...

i can't keep up, you are traveling too fast...! back to berlin- coming from an architect, i think the new buildings you were describing were designed as isolated events, not creating strong ties to the urban fabric of the city. as i said before it was all under construction when we were there. i'll have to find michele's "berlin" picture... the shadow of a construction crane cast against an old run down building adjacent to check point charlie. did you see the jewish museum there by daniel libeskind? not an architect i care for at all but he seems to be popular these days (think wtc site). There are some nice older housing blocks in that area. Herman Hertzberger designed a nice one.

Praha- What did you think of the gehry building there? Again, it was not built when we were there. It seems that when architects become "famous", they start doing random buildings in different cities around the world and these buildings don't seem to really say anything about the place inwhich they are built, they just reflect the "design style" of their architect. I do not think that funky house you took pictures of is also by gehry (a quick web search seems to be proving me wrong...). As bad as I think gehry is, it seems a little to literal for him, but i could be wrong.

Okay, enough about the past... i thought you always kept those headphones around your head! At least you had the digital camera with you so you could share the sunrise! Feel free to post as many pictures as you like so we can continue on our virtual tour around the world.


smonblogamwa said...

Sympa comme machine a laver, par contre je crois qu'elle manque un peu de calgon hein :-)

J said...

It was great meeting you in Gdansk. Your singing and guitar playing did a lot to add to the fun atmosphere in the hostel. I unintentionally met a few others from the Gdansk hostel at a hostel in Warsaw. I'm back home now and am back to work.

I hope you don't mind if I blogroll you sometime in the near future.

Germany Doesn't Suck