Thursday, May 25, 2006

It's only money.. right?

Well.. first thing first, i'm fine!

You hear all these stories.. it can't only happen to others, i guess.. so this time it was my turn.. just when i left the internet place last time.. i couldn't find my way out of the mall, so i asked these two chicks.. and on the way out we started to chat.. we walked around the kremlin for a bit and then they suggested we should have a drink.. so we just bought a beer each at a stand.. and we found a bench to sit..
I don't know how or when but they drugged my beer, and by the time i realised what was happening i just collapsed.. when i woke up on that bench the next morning, my bag was gone and all my pockets were empty...
By chance they didn't find my safety belt so i still have my passeport, my credit cards and most of my cash...
But my cell phone is gone, my mp3 player is gone, my digital camera is gone, my notepad with all contacts and history is gone.. worst of all, my Leica CL is gone.... fuck..
I know.. i was warned!
Anyway what is done is done.. and it's only money, right?
I've been sleeping almost non stop for the past 48 hours and i still feel like shit.. and so weak.. I don't know what they put in that beer but i'm glad they didn't put more!

Anyway.. no need to worry; i'm safe and alive.. everything's good..
Only the police won't give me a copy of my declaration -which i need for the insurance- until next week, so now i'm stuck in Moscow..
Hopefully they give it to me early enough for me to head straight to Irkutzk and check the Baikal.. I won't have time for the cities in between...

Oh and i'm sure you got the bottom line: we're back to mediaval times with a no picture blog..
sorry everyone..


Anonymous said...

This is not the happiest post we were waiting for :o(

If you need anything, Virginie and I will be happy to support you. Do not hesitate Joune.

Bon courage


Anonymous said...

Ce n'est que de l'argent, effectivement. Beaucoup de peur aussi je présume. Tu vas bien, c'est le principal. Il fallait surement que ca arrive : et bien ca y est, au moins, c'est fait et ce n'est plus à faire.

En tout cas, on est rassuré de voir que ca a l'air d'aller et content après coup, de savoir qu'ils n'ont pas mis plus de came.

Tu sais, même sans photos, on voyage très bien en ta compagnie. Continue de nous faire réver !


Uma Maheswari said...

Shit! Sorry! when you were undergoing this, I was giving a long lecture about you, yesterday was andy's bday and I was in Bharat with many friends, I was telling them that you introduced to it, and just then Soy walked in the restuant.I told them all about your and Soy's adventures! we boring Scientists were feeling very jealous about ur lifestyle! Sorry I guess "meri aur merey dostoon ka nazar laag gaya!"

Anonymous said...

Yo poulé,
Le Ghb a encore frappé………………
on est tous avec toi, on est a bloc, on pense à toi, on s'occupe de ton frère, l'appartement est toujours là (il parait…) et les voisins toujours pénibles. Il ne fait pas beau ici, les filles ont remis des pulls à col roulé, et on est obligé de bar dans des boire…
Prends soin de toi, et ne parle plus à tous ces vauriens de pleutre…

Anonymous said...

yeah, be careful with the russian ladies.......
but hey, these things only happen once on a trip, so now you are done with it ;-)

our thoughts are with you.
claus & lina

Glass said...

Damn man, I'm sorry to hear about that. I was expecting you to say that you woke up missing a kidney (Happened to my friends cousin). So it all reallity you didn't do too bad, you even have your passport and money. Downer about all the other stuff though, hope you're feeling better soon. Keep on trucking.


Glass said...

Damn man, I'm sorry to hear about that. I was expecting you to say that you woke up missing a kidney (Happened to my friends cousin). So it all reallity you didn't do too bad, you even have your passport and money. Downer about all the other stuff though, hope you're feeling better soon. Keep on trucking.


Anonymous said...

Coucou mon Joune,
Je suis desolee de voir ce qui t est arrivee...J espere que ca va bien quand meme...Je n ai pas les mots parfaits mis a part que je pense tres fort a toi et admire ce que tu fais! Plein d amour de la cote est de l espagne!!!!

Anonymous said...

Salut Arjun, good luck Buddy! J'espère que tout va vraiment bien pour toi. C'est vraiment con pour les trucs... Au moins tu n'es pas blessé. C'est incroyable cette histoire! Putain, Vive les "safety" belt! La russie est tout de même un mystérieux pays, où vivre sur ses gardes, c'est intéressant aussi...Je serai avec Charlotte en Inde au mois d'août, peut-être y seras-tu aussi... A Paris, il fait assez beau. Prend soin de toi. Quand je passe voir Soy, chez toi, ça fait bizarre de ne plus t'entendre jouer de la gratte.Profite bien! Good luck! A + Bro
Guillaume N.

Anonymous said...

damn homie! you are alive and breathing, that is all that matters. i that sucks about the cameras, i know how hyped on the new one you were. chalk it up as an experience and count your blessings.

Panday Rule of Travel # 129: never take a drink from a russian girl on the street, no matter how cute they are.

Safe travels Arjun...

Anonymous said...

Salut Arjun,
Je suis vraiment navré d'apprendre tes déboires. Pourtant je ne peux m'empêcher de penser à cette phrase dans Fight club quand Edouard Norton contemple son appartement qui a explosé : "les choses qu'on possède finissent par nous posséder". Forte heureusement tu te portes bien et c'est là l'essentiel.
Prends soin de toi surtout.


Anonymous said...

Salut Arjun,
Je suis vraiment navré d'apprendre tes déboires. Pourtant je ne peux m'empêcher de penser à cette phrase dans Fight club quand Edouard Norton contemple son appartement qui vient d'exploser : "les choses qu'on possède finissent par nous posséder".
Forte heureusement tu te portes bien et c'est là l'essentiel.
Prends soin de toi surtout.


Anonymous said...

you are right! it's only money!
so don't worry be happy!!!

J said...

Sorry to hear that happened to you, but at least you're still healthy.

I have to admit that I'll miss you not having a digi cam and posting photos.

Anonymous said...

Ah, les femmes...cette petite faiblesse qui nous perdra!!!
C'est pas grave, dis toi que le plus beau reste a venir, et reprends la route avec ton plus beau sourire...


Ray said...

Arjun, really sorry to hear about this. You need to be very careful and not accept drinks from pretty women or men! But these things happen, so don't fret over it too much. It is easy to say this..I am sure it feels horrible but remember those women are asking for trouble now because of all their bad karma!

Anonymous said...

What a dismay when I read your lines. Don't worry for the story whithout photos. It is really not the most important. You are well, and it is what counts. I think of you. Pay attention on you
Take care of you...

Anonymous said...

At least you got a story to tell, and that's one thing you are on the road for, right? Well, I hope you are recuperated again. Safe travels, Daniel