Thursday, August 31, 2006

China's Tibet rail line likely to touch Nepal

"The railway line is one step of china's foreign trade policy of 'go-global'"
I read in the Himalayan of Aug 29..

That.. and the water from the Tibetan lakes they're bringing down to the "motherland", the exploitation of precious minerals like Lithium or Gold... not to mention the strategic missile "view point" over India from up there.. and the extra living space...

And the chinese still honestly believe they're doing all this to help tibetans??

Rather like one chinese asshole at least honestly said to my face: "Just wait another ten years and Tibet will be a chinese province like any other; you won't see the difference! Who cares about the tibetans anyway??"

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Indian Hero!!

For the first day -mostly- without rain.. I rented a motorbike to go around town a little..
I have to admit, i had pretty much never ridden a real motorbike before.. so it took me a little while to quit stalling every other time! But after a couple of test kilometers, i felt like i was the true indian hero of a Bajaj TV commercial!! (or any other commercial for that matter; there's always a super cool guy riding a motorbike.. in place of the naked chick we put everywhere in europe)

If i look like a hunchback it's just cause i have my backpack under my jacket..

Monday, August 28, 2006

Which is Witch?!

In Zhangmu, i shopped around for a while before changing my remaining Yuans, comparing exchange rates to not get robbed to badly for once!
In the process i had to foil the many tricks they use; like the ones who give you a good rate but don't give you all the money, or the ones who have modified calculators that don't really multiply like they should!! ..So in the end i was pretty happy with 9.6 rate and my Nepalese rupees ni my hand!

Well, as i was paying for my photos in Kathmandu, i got caught handing a fake note of a 1000 rupees! A pretty cheap fake actually (no pun intended!), but in the middle of the stack, it just went unnoticed.. i should be glad there was only one!