Friday, April 14, 2006

Back from Dr Pong

Having read somewhere about the "new craze in berlin", and this new craze happening only two stops from here, i had to go check it out..
Ok, if it's not "The" new craze in berlin, it's definitely worth a visit! Dr Pong is a "concept bar" with a table tennis in the middle of the room and just anybody can join in the game.. (how do you say "une tournante" in english??).. i can't show you because, er.. did i already tell you that my digital camera was broken? (scheisse!!) so i'll try to explain:
everybody has a racket (that you can borrow at the bar with a 5€ deposit) and the game starts with, say, 20 people turning around the table and exchanging balls in turn.. every mistake is instantly eliminatory, so pretty quickly it comes down to a talented few running faster and faster around the table soon almost catching they're own shots! it ends with a dual between the last two, and then it starts over again and anybody with a racket comes back around the table for a new round..
no prick attitude.. everybody is fair play and the atmosphere is good.. you can make mistakes, you can drink beer as you play, and you can even bring in your own pizza! this place is obviously not money oriented!

anyway, it's about time for bed.. tomorrow is another day, and i have a camera to get!


J2J2 said...

A ton retour, on monte ce genre de concept en France!

joune said...

vendu!.. mais bon, je suis pas sur qu'on devienne riche avec ca!

J2J2 said...

Je suis très déçu jeune homme...

D'argent il n'est point question
Mais de fun nous nous nourrirons!

Take Care!