Thursday, April 27, 2006


Being the largest medieval castle in europe, Malbork is.. pretty big!
If you think of it, it's even larger than the second largest medieval castle of europe, so that makes it quite large as you would guess.. hum.
so, that's it.

But the weirdest thing about this town, is the amazing contrast between the beautiful red medieval castle (being the largest in europe, i don't know if i mentionned that) and the gray socialist housing blocks surrounding it!
Normaly, right next to the castle, you find the old town and further down only, the ugly parts of town.. be there you've got this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know reason... Unfortunately after second war Malbork was preaty damanged by German and Rusia army and the worst thing is that after 1945 we was below socialist governments.They destroy rest of beatyfull old city near castle and send bricks to capitol of Poland Warsaw. I hope our new mayour will concern socialist buldings look.