Sunday, January 07, 2007

La Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego!

Just to say i went accross the Magellan strait, i spent a night in Porvenir, on "the big island" at the end of the world..

Is it the "earth of fire" i see reflecting in the evening skies?

the Selk'nam people.. same old story: first we kill them, then we build monuments..
these people survived for hundreds and hundreds of years, living completely naked in the harshest cold, and it only took a few european pricks to come and make historical monuments out of them...

That's it, now i'm in Puerto Natales, 200 and such kilometers north of Punta Arenas and lauching point for the treks in the most famous Torres del Paine national park.. got my tent, sleeping bag, cooking gear.. but no concentrated milk! shit! what am i gonna do without my concentrated milk??? maybe i just shouldn't go!

the strait "of the ultimate hope" (that's the real name! do you think i'm making this up?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

De retour de congés, je me replonge dans tes aventures. Que de chemin parcouru... Je voudrais te souhaiter une excellente année 2007 riche de rencontres, de joie et d'affection.